
Thursday, January 29, 2015

January Blahs?

I love this time of year…okay maybe love is stretching it a bit.  It's cold and snowy.  Our chances to get out and do stuff are limited by the kids being in school and my husbands work schedule.  But it's also the time of year when I can start booking camping trips.  Ontario Park's sites can be booked 5 months in advance.  To save you doing any math, that means it's possible to book the first week of summer vacation!

It just kind of makes camping season seem so much closer.

I still haven't managed to convince the hubby that winter camping might be a fun thing.  He'd be willing to try it in our Boler camper, but our towing car is in need of some important repairs.  Ah, I'll keep working on it.

So, as I sit at my computer, it's snowing outside and I've got a mug of tea, planning all the fun trips for the coming summer…Here's hoping for an early spring, a moderate bug population that actually dies off at the expected time, and lots of paddling.

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